Thank you for considering Shultz & Rollins, Ltd., as your personal injury and/or accident lawyer in Tucson and Yuma, Arizona. We are a boutique law firm that specializes in assisting injured individuals obtaining the fair and just compensation they deserve. Our personal injury firm, with offices located in both Tucson and Yuma, is comprehensive and focuses on cases involving serious injuries and deaths due to Motor Vehicle Accidents (including car accidents, tire defects, roll overs, and roof crushes), Trucking Accidents, Defective Products, Medical Negligence, Nursing Home Negligence or Abuse, Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals. We handle major injury cases in other states; however, we concentrate primarily in the State of Arizona.
Below is merely a sampling of the Shultz & Rollins outcomes. All told, we have won over $168 million in settlements for our clients as medical practice, personal injury, defective products or as an accident lawyer in Tucson.
$14 Million
For victims of a shooting
$10 Million
For product liability injuries
$8.5 Million
For victims of medical malpractice
$5 Million
For employment dispute
$4 Million
For injuries of a cheerleading accident
$3.9 Million
For victims of motor vehicle accident
$3.4 Million
For victims of motor vehicle accident
$3.3 Million
For injuries involved in a crane collapse
$3.2 Million
For victims of pesticide ingestion
$3 Million
For victims of medical malpractice
$3.25 Million
For medical malpractice
At Shultz & Rollins, we believe in the fairness of juries under our American judicial system to level the playing field for citizens, regardless of their wealth or power. We are dedicated to protecting the Constitutional Right of trial by jury.
Contact us to schedule a free, confidential, consultation & preliminary case evaluation in Tucson or Yuma.
For over three decades, Shultz & Rollins, Ltd. has exclusively dedicated its efforts to the causes of consumers and ordinary people in cases involving personal injury and death due to Motor Vehicle Accidents, Trucking Accidents, Defective Products, Medical Negligence, Nursing Home Negligence/Abuse, Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals. Our law offices strive to achieve the highest standard of excellence in representing our clients in these areas. We have a long-standing history of million and multimillion dollar verdicts and settlements. In order to successfully prosecute these types of cases we agree to represent only a select number of people at any one time.
Our AttorneysOur experienced lawyers will conduct an extensive investigation, collect evidence, talk with witnesses, obtain records and hire experts in order to properly evaluate and prove your case. If you need a Tucson auto accident lawyer, or if you’ve suffered personal injury, negligence, or any other legal grievance, you may be entitled to recover damages for your emotional and economic losses. Please contact our Tucson attorneys at Shultz & Rollins today to schedule a free, confidential consultation and receive a preliminary case evaluation.
1980 E. Fort Lowell Road, Suite 200 Tucson, Arizona 85719
226 S. First Avenue Yuma, Arizona 85364
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Personal injury Attorneys serving Tucson and Yuma, Arizona
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